The Influence of Psychoanalysis on the Field of Psychology


Psychoanalysis is defined as a set of psychological theories and therapeutic techniques that have their origin in the work and theories The core of psychoanalysis is the belief that all people possess unconscious thoughts, feelings, desires, and memories.

Basic Tenets

Psychoanalysis suggests that people can experience catharsis and gain insight into their current state of mind by bringing the content of the unconscious into conscious awareness. Through this process, a person can find relief from psychological distress. Psychoanalysis also suggests that: A person's behavior is influenced by their unconscious drives. Emotional and psychological problems such as depression and anxiety are often rooted in conflicts between the conscious and unconscious mind.

History of Psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud was the founder of psychoanalysis and the psychodynamic approach to psychology.

The human mind was composed of three elements: the id, the ego, and the superego. Today, psychoanalysis encompasses: Applied psychoanalysis (which applies psychoanalytic principles to the study of art, literature, and real-world settings and situations) Neuro-psychoanalysis (which applies neuroscience to psychoanalytic topics such as dreams and repression)

The Conscious and Unconscious Mind

The unconscious mind includes all of the things that are outside of our conscious awareness, such as early childhood memories, secret desires, and hidden drives. According to Freud, the unconscious contains things that we might consider to be unpleasant or even socially unacceptable. We bury these things in our unconscious because they might bring us pain or conflict. While these thoughts, memories, and urges are outside of our awareness, they still influence how we think and behave. In some cases, the things that are outside of our awareness can influence behavior in negative ways and lead to psychological distress. The conscious mind, on the other hand, includes everything that is inside of our awareness. The contents of the conscious mind are the things we are aware of or can easily bring into awareness.