

Rheumatic sicknesses influence your joints ligaments, tendons, bones, and muscles

Common symptoms include:

  • Joint pain
  • Loss of motion in a joint or joints
  • Inflammation -- swelling, redness, and warmth in a joint or affected area

The clinical field that reviews these sorts of conditions is called rheumatology. On the off chance that your ordinary specialist thinks you have a rheumatic illness, they'll likely send you to a rheumatologist - a specialist who's extraordinarily prepared to treat them.

Your rheumatologist will analyze you to analyze your condition, at that point supervise a treatment plan for you that will probably incorporate prescriptions, ordinary exercise, a solid eating regimen, stress the board, and rest.

The greater part of these conditions happen when your invulnerable framework goes astray and assaults your own tissues. Specialists aren't sure what causes this. Once in a while it's in your qualities. Different occasions it's a consequence of something in your general surroundings, similar to tobacco smoke, contamination, or something that causes a disease. Sex additionally assumes a part - rheumatic illnesses appear to influence ladies more than men.


  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Warmth
  • Stiffness

Muscle weakness can make joints unstable. Depending on what parts of the body it affects, OA can make it hard to walk, grip objects, dress, comb your hair, or sit.


Your primary care physician will get some information about your clinical history and manifestations. You'll likewise get an actual test. You may likewise have to get blood tests or allowed your primary care physician to take an example of liquid from an influenced joint.

Generally when somebody with OA looks for treatment, there are changes obvious on a X-beam of the joint. The X-beam may show narrowing of the joint space or the presence of bone prods. Now and again, your PCP may demand a MRI (attractive reverberation imaging) to give an image of within your joint.