Malaria in Children in Guediawaye, Senegal (Journal of Clinical Trials)
Malaria is one of the leading causes of infant and child mortality, despite the efforts made in Senegal. The objective of this study is to describe the epidemiological, clinical, Para clinical, therapeutic and evolutionary aspects of malaria in children in a pediatric ward of a Dakar hospital. This is a retrospective descriptive study, with an analytical focus over a 5-year period from January 1st, 2013 to December 31st, 2017, in the pediatrics department of Roi Baudouin Hospital Center, involving 259 children hospitalized for malaria. Results: The frequency of hospitalization during the period was estimated at 7.7%.The mean age was 82.9 months, with a median of 84 months, and the age range from 1 month to 5 years was the most representative (35.9%) with extremes from 1 to 180 months. The majority of cases occurred in the last quarter of the year, with a peak in October (19.7%). Clinical manifestations on admission were dominated by fever, which was found in 93.1% of cases. More than 30.9% of the children showed clinical signs of severity on entry, with jaundice (37.5%) in the foreground, followed respectively by disturbances of consciousness (29.0%) and respiratory distress (19.0%). The majority of patients were treated with quinine (80.3%) and overall progress was satisfactory with a cure rate of 97.7%. Factors associated with death were represented by a time to management more than 7 days and the presence of co-infections, with a p value equal to 0.002 and 0.04 respectively.
Malaria is the world's leading parasitic endemic, particularly in subSaharan Africa, where it is a real public health problem despite enormous effÙ´orts to combat it. ÐÂe WHO African Region has been found to bear a disproportionate share of the global malaria burden. Potentially severe among children and pregnant women, malaria in Africa kills about one million children less than five years of age each year and one child dies every two minutes. In response to this situation, the progress made in recent years in diagnosis, treatment and prevention has reduced the prevalence of the disease in many countries in Africa and Asia. Senegal is one of 43 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa where malaria is endemic. To date, this condition has been a significDnt economic burden, particularly in parts of the country where it accounts for a significDnt proportion of deaths. In order to evaluate the impact of new strategies to fight against malaria in terms of its management in hospitals, particularly pediatrics, we undertook this study in the paediatrics department of the Roi Baudouin Hospital Centre in Guédiawaye. ÐÂe objectives of this work were to describe the epidemiological, clinical, Para clinical, therapeutic and evolutionary aspects of malaria.
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Journal of Clinical Trials