Damping-Off Disease
Visible damping off fungus growing on an emerging seedling. Once plants have mature leaves and a well developed root system, they are better able to naturally resist the fungus or mold that causes damping off.
Problem: Damping-off disease, caused by several soil-borne fungi, is most problematic in wet, humid conditions. It infects seedlings and causes them to collapse and decay. It’s often found in greenhouses, but can occur outdoors as well.
Solution: There is no treatment, but you can prevent it with good cultural practices. Use new pots, cell packs or trays, or those disinfected with a 10 percent bleach solution. Fill with fresh, bagged, soilless potting mix, avoid crowding seedlings and provide adequate ventilation.
Damping-off disease usually affects newly-sown plants. Learn successful tips for starting seeds indoors.
Joseph Mareddy
Assistant Managing Editor
Journal of Plant Biochemistry and physiology