Comparison between Static and Dynamic Warming-up Stretching Exercises on Lower Extremities of AdamaScience and Technology University (ASTU) GCcup players


This study was conducted to compare static and dynamic stretching on lower extremities of Adama Science and Technology University GC Cup players. A total of 32 participants were involved for this particular study. Subjects were selected based on the sport they are participating, which is more specifically useful for football players. Randomly 2 members were taken as a one group from the total population. From each group, one subject was performing the static stretching and the other subject was performing the dynamic stretching as part of the warm-up. A paired t-test its level of significance set at 0.05 alpha, was used to compare the static and dynamic stretching groups to realize the lower extremities of players. As the result of paired sample test analysis, the p-value is less than 0.05 which is possible to say the group do have in reality differ [t(-7.50), df = 15 and p=.0001). Essentially, as the result of the study players’ vertical jump performance after the two stretching warming ups was significantly different. In conclusion, dynamic stretching had a positive impact on lower extremity muscle performance and had the potential to be more effective as a warm-up when compared to static stretching.