Clinical Trials of New Drug Discovery on Covid 19 New Strian


Clinical Trials of New Drug Discovery on Covid 19 New Strian

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone in physical health, mental health and economy all over the world.  It has changed our work and life style and seriously impacted our future lives. There is an urgent need to understand the for new drug clinical trials for better scope to eradicate the pandemic situation.

The special issue “Clinical Trials of New Drug Discovery on Covid 19 New Strain” of Drug Designing: Open access journal focuses on the topics related to the drugs that have potential to control the Covid-19 infection.

We hope that collectively these papers will spur further research (and conversation) which we hope in turn will lead to improvement of the health system over the world.

We warmly and enthusiastically invite the eminent researchers to take part in this special issue to enhance recent advancements in COVID-19 research.

We hope that collectively these papers will spur further research (and conversation) which we hope in turn will lead to changes in discoveries and development of new drugs to treat covid-19.

Drug Designing: Open Access Journal is using Editorial Tracking System to maintain quality and transparency to the author in the peer-review process. Review processing will be performed by the editorial board members of the Journal Drug Designing: Open Access or by Reviewers (outside experts in the field). Two independent reviewer’s approval (Minimum reviewer’s approval) followed by editor approval is obligatory for acceptance of any manuscript excluding an editorial.

Editorial tracking submission:

Media Contact
Nancy Ella
Editor Board
Drug Designing: Open Access